PlayStation 4 Pro 500 Million SPECIAL EDITION Protector
Übersicht- High quality PET plastic
Special edition box only for PlayStation 4 Pro 500 Million , will be in stock for limited time only !
Meassure the size before buying Size approx 18 X 47 x 43
∙ High quality PET plastic
∙ High quality PET plastic
∙ 0.4 MM (16mil) THICKNESS!!
∙ Perfect SNUG FIT !
∙ Best protectors available for the Nintendo
Meassure before buying !
∙ High quality PET plastic
∙ Best protectors available for the XBOX
Before ordering make sure to check the size : 18.7 x 29,5 x 31
Its only a small difference between the larger one , make sure to meassure!
∙ High quality PET plastic
∙ 0.5 MM (20mil) THICKNESS!!
∙ Perfect SNUG FIT !
∙ Best protectors available for the PS2 PHAT
∙ High quality PET plastic
∙ 0.4 MM (16mil) THICKNESS!!
∙ Perfect SNUG FIT !
∙ Best protectors available for the PS2 SLIM
There are 3 kinds of PS2 Boxes Meassure before ordering this size is : 32 x 27 x 9
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